So recently I got really pissed off about a business transaction and rather than just waste that emotion, I jotted down a few notes to share, because it was just as much a teachable moment for me as it might be for anyone else. My main day-to-day a…
So, I haven’t been too big into social media in the past. I’m not one of those “too cool to have a Facebook” people. I just wasn’t really posting much because it felt...awkward. I think part of that w…
I’ve recently come to have a greater appreciation for Batman thanks to this tweet. The reality is that Batman, like any startup business owner, had to build his skills from scratch. What he needed for the first part of his journey …
In Episode 15 of the podcast David said: If you don't have ten minutes a day to meditate, you need two hours." I'm sure many of you have heard a variant of this quote before and some, like me, just laughed. That's because the idea …