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Oct. 7, 2021

Four Key Steps to Analyze Local Competition in Your Marketplace

On a recent episode of the Remote Local Podcast, fellow host David Lahav asked a key question for anyone interested in market research on local competition: “What are my odds of leading the market and how hard will it be?”  David an…

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Sept. 29, 2021

How a Reddit Thread Helped Build a 7-Figure Company

Some of you may know the story I shared in the first episode of the Remote Local Podcast in which I shared that it was a thread on Reddit that led me to start a cleaning business.  Little did I know that eight years later I’d have a chanc…

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Sept. 24, 2021

Zen Not Hustle

In Episode 15 of the podcast David said:  If you don't have ten minutes a day to meditate, you need two hours." I'm sure many of you have heard a variant of this quote before and some, like me, just laughed.  That's because the idea …

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